Badge by Livia Rossi
"My first reaction, when I saw for the first time the T-shirt my badge would go on, was the one of standing back. I find it strange to see me, a bit of me on a map of England. In a way it makes it really clear to myself that I’m here. It’s six years I live in London, but I keep telling myself it’s just a temporary solution. At the same time I don’t really wish to go back. Definitely not now. Italy it’s not the best place to be at the moment. And I consider myself lucky not to be there and have to deal with the daily frustration of seeing a beautiful country falling into decay.
I consider myself an existential migrant. Someone that left their home country by choice and not by any form of necessity, and that enjoys the status of foreigner.
I Definitely like being an outsider, it offers a much better observing perspective on things.
At the same time though I have a terrible need to belong.
If I could, I would live a life in between. A bit here and a bit there.
So here is my badge. It states “I’m here” (England), but the landscape I tried to recreate next to it, it’s a different one. It’s made out of glass and pebbles from the beaches of the Amalfi coast, near my home town.
You might argue that I completely stripped it of what a badge suppose to be: really graphic and easy to reproduce.
If it has to be my badge it couldn’t have been made in any different way: a bit of sanding, lots of hammering and a mini collection of badges with holes in them (that’s what happens when you try to hammer too hard with bad quality punch letters into a badge).
I deeply enjoy making."
Livia Rossi
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